Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Gemini (Gem)  ·  Contains:  Gem A  ·  IC 443  ·  IC 444  ·  M 35  ·  Monkey Head Nebula  ·  NGC 2158  ·  NGC 2168  ·  NGC 2174  ·  NGC 2175  ·  The star 3Gem  ·  The star 5Gem  ·  The star 68Ori  ·  The star 71Ori  ·  The star Propus (ηGem)
NGC 2175 on the left, IC443 the "Jellyfish nebulae" top and Messier 35 on the right., Mark Sansom
NGC 2175 on the left, IC443 the "Jellyfish nebulae" top and Messier 35 on the right.
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NGC 2175 on the left, IC443 the "Jellyfish nebulae" top and Messier 35 on the right.

NGC 2175 on the left, IC443 the "Jellyfish nebulae" top and Messier 35 on the right., Mark Sansom
NGC 2175 on the left, IC443 the "Jellyfish nebulae" top and Messier 35 on the right.
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NGC 2175 on the left, IC443 the "Jellyfish nebulae" top and Messier 35 on the right.



Acquisition details



These fine three deep sky objects reach a maximum altitude of 30 degrees above by northern horizon.
